'Triennale Virtuale' - reconstructions of exhibits from the Milan Triennale of the 1930s
in collaboration with Domenico Chizzoniti, Milan Polytechnic
Italian Pavilion at the Paris Expo of 1937 by Marcello Piacentini and Giuseppe Pagano.
Virtual reconstruction by Stephen Jeal, Casey Richardson and Casey Dalbo.
For more info on this project click here.
Click on the image for a 360 view of the VR model
Download the App for viewing on on Android phone by clicking this link.
Italian Pavilion at the Chicago World's Fair of 1933, by Adalberto Libera, Mario De Renzi & Antonio Valente.
Images by Brandon Gardiner

Women in national costume on the steps of the pavilion with Italo Balbo's seaplane reflected in the glass

The main hall of the pavilion complete with speaker's platform.

One of the side galleries showing an exhibition of Leonardo's flying machines
BBPR & Piero Portaluppi, Saturday House for Newly Weds (Casa del sabato per gli sposi), Milan Triennale, 1933.
VR model by Casey, Dalbo, Casey Richardson and Stephen Jeal
Giuseppe Pagano, Exhibition of Mass Production (Mostra della Produzione in Serie), Milan Triennale, 1939/40.
VR model by Casey, Dalbo, Casey Richardson and Stephen Jeal
Learn more from these You Tube videos
House for an Aviator, Milan Triennale, 1933. Digital model by Daniele Covi, Milan Polytechnic

Interior view - dining room and stair

Interior view - living room