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“All Roads Lead to Rome: the Universality of the Roman Ideal in Achille Funi’s incomplete fresco cycle for the Palazzo dei Congressi in EUR, 1940-43
F. Marcello & P. Gwynne, “Speaking from the walls: Militarism, Education and Romanità in Rome’s Città Universitaria (1932-35)”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 74:3, September 2015.
F. Marcello, Italian Fascism, Middle Class Ideals, and Holiday Villa Pavilions at the 5th Milan Triennale of 1933, Open Arts Journal Special Issue: What is a Pavilion? Issue 2 (Winter 2013-2014).
F. Marcello, “‘Epi-graffiti’: Changing Arenas of Conflict in Rome’s Public Realm from Fascism (1922-1943) to the Bullet Years (1968-1982) and Beyond”, Histories in Conflict: Cities, Buildings, Landscapes, EAHN 2017, Jerusalem, June 13-15, 2017